Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Rantucci Competition Coverage

Great news!! I will be competing this year in the Rantucci Classical Guitar Competition. I am very excited and have been preparing for months already. Moreover, I will be interviewing my friend classical and flamenco guitarist Mir Ali. Mir is the Artistic Director of the Competition and an excellent player as well.

OK so here are the pieces I will be playing. Some of you will wonder why I am playing such obscure repertoire, but that is what I am all about. Why play what has been played over and over and over and over and over and.... I would rather play what I want to play weird wild stuff.

First Round - Tear Prelude by Ivanociv and the first 5 movements of The Barber of Baghdad by Oliver Hunt.
2nd Round - Libertango by Piazzolla, the first movement of Instinct by Kirsten Vollness entitled Fight or Flight, and The Barber of Baghdad again.
3rd Round - Third Movement from Instinct by Kirsten Vollness called Altruism, first Movement from Instinct again, the first five movements of Barber again, and Tear Prelude again.

Great stuff all of it. If any of you are interested in Instinct or the arrangement of Libertango contact me at

Oh and by the way, you should be practicing right now....

Michel Chatara-Morse

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